Global Glossary
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Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
" |
"I am located therefore I am"" There is no equivalent to the Cartesian notion of 'I think therefore I am' but, if there
were, it would be - I am located therefore I am. " (Mary Graham). | |
A |
AboriginalAboriginal should always be spell with a capital A, many Aboriginal people prefer to be known as First Nations People, or Aboriginal people, not Indigenous people. | |
Arnhem LandArnhem Land is one of the five regions of the Northern Territory of Australia. It is located in the north-eastern corner of the territory and is around 500 km (310 mi) from the territory capital Darwin. | |
AssimilationAn introduced Government(s) Policy, with the stated intention that Aboriginal
people, should take on the same values, and the same life style as white
Australians. | |
AuntyAunt is the more formal address, and Aunty the more familiar.
Female Elders in the Community are usually addressed as Aunt/Aunty, if people are
unsure of how to address Elders or older people, than it is best to ask. | ||
C |
ClansA number of clans are part of the major language groups, each with their own lands
and responsibilities. | |
ColonialismFor Aboriginal people " colonialism " is not part of the past, but is still part
of the present, and is a continuing process. | |
E |
EldersAre older male or female Aboriginal people who are recognised as " Elders ", by their
Community, as knowledgeable people who hold a deal of respect. | |
F |
FamilyMost people understand, that Aboriginal people belong to an extended family (blood
relatives), but this has to be extended again to include non-blood relatives as well,
and again this needs to be extended to include the whole Aboriginal Community. | |